It may seem like we’re almost out of the woods when it comes to the COVID-19 pandemic but it’s important to remember that even once everyone has been vaccinated it will still be a long time before we truly get ‘back to normal’.

Whatever the new status quo is, we’re likely to be living with some form of the new restrictions for a short time or so the following list is something to consider for anyone moving home in the immediate future.

Is your move essential?

For most of us, a moving date isn’t flexible. If your lease is ending or a closing date is approaching quicky, it’s important that you have access to the critical services that can allow you to relocate. Non-essential businesses may or may not be closed at the moment, but moving is generally considered essential, and there’s no Coronavirus restrictions that would mean we should close.

We know for sure what has changed, and it’s largely related to the customer experience itself, including frequent hand washing among movers and no physical contact between movers and clients throughout the move. These restrictions are likely to remain for the foreseeable future.

Do you need to come to my home to provide a quote.

No, we can provide a quote with a virtual survey, over the phone or based on your requirements. There are pro’s and con’s to all these different methods which we will advise you of at the time.

I’m Not Feeling Well, What Should I Do?

The first thing that you should do, is let us know. Knowing about any potential illness that you’re experiencing will help us to adjust our sanitization and social distancing measures as necessary.

The health and safety of you and our movers are top priority. Transparency is important to keep everyone safe and, most of the time we can still go ahead with your move.

In addition, if you suspect that you or a family member are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 (or have a diagnosis/are self-isolating), also let them know as we can adjust our sanitization and social distancing measures as necessary.

How can I safely pack my items.

The safest way is to wear a mask and gloves while packing while sanitizing any items your movers will be handling directly. We know this isn’t possible, or easy to do for everyone. So we would also suggest to make sure all packing done at least 24 hours before we arrive and to store boxes in a closed room. When your movers arrive, stay as far away as possible, and continue wearing your mask and gloves if you are moving items too.